October 20, 2015



Success Leaves Clues
Do YOU Have These 5 Essential Attributes Of Successful Salon Owners?

Thought Process: Success Leaves Clues – Model The Success Of Others
If you want to grow your book, find out what works and be willing to take action. Then, monitor your results and turn your marketing into new clients and more cash – FAST!
Have you ever heard of the famous book by Napoleon Hill called THINK AND GROW RICH? It really should have been called, THINK, TAKE ACTION, AND GROW RICH.
This study of successful business owners reveals how to succeed and prosper; even in a tough economy.
Here are Hill’s 5 Essential Attributes For Success:

  1. A burning desire to succeed. You must have an inner drive to keep growing. Do you have the motivation to get past any obstacles that stand in your way?
  2. Specialized knowledge that others want.  What are YOU really good at that is in high demand
  3. Always be learning. Read all you can to discover how to achieve your goals. Successful people invest in themselves and in their education. What are YOU doing right now to become the expert authority in what you do best?
  4. Be decisive and take fast action.  Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Never let butterflies get in your way. Decide to take fast action and make it work for you. What is your plan of action? (Do you even have one?)
  5. Find mentors.  Be willing to learn from others who have achieved what you want for your own life. Learn from like-minded people. Whose success do you model?

Winning takes more than knowledge. To get what you want out of your career, learn all you can about running a business, use the knowledge you have, and take fast action! 

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