November 3, 2015



What To Put Inside Your Email – 5 Tips To Make Writing Quick, Easy, and Fun
Thought Process: Don’t waste time figuring it out on your own – Follow the patterns that are proven to work.

To get your emails read and build your business, you must use your emails as a way to develop a relationship with the people on your list. Think about it. What happens when your mom or special other sends you an email?  You open it.
You can come close to this with your client list. Show them you care about  them. Always write as if you were speaking to one person only, like you would to your mom or best friend.
While you compose your email, be thinking of someone you love. Write in the first person as if you were having a conversation with that person. The secret to developing your relationship through email is to talk about personal things. Talk about your children, bonehead moves, struggles, and vacations.
Tie it all in with a payoff for the reader. They will eagerly read your emails for the entertainment and the heart connection.
Action Step:
Just like the subject line, the body copy technique must vary. Don’t over use any one tactic. Here are 5 to get you start:
Q and A email 
What frequently asked questions do you hear when a client sits in your chair? Make one of those the focus of your email. Ask the question, and then answer it. The answer to the question leads to the sale of your service or product that solved the problem.
Structure your email in such a way that prompts the reader to call for an appointment.
Testimonial email 
Tell a story about a client who gained real benefits from coming in. By improving someone’s look did you help your client get a job? Catch a special one’s interest? Improve self-esteem? Stories build rapport and are inclusive.
Testimonials give “peer proof” and speak to the self-interest of your reader.
Classified email
This is a short email, just like a classified ad. It’s just 2 or 3 lines that invite people to click on a link. What can you offer that will get their mind engaged and excited?
A well-written email causes a change in their thoughts and energy – excitement, curiosity, and anticipation. That change in energy you create causes them to click on the link.
Hidden pitch email 
With this format, you give information. But the purpose is to get the person to take a specific action, such as click on a link, make an appointment, or watch a video.
Tip: Put a PS after your signature. The PS is a great place to ask them to take a specific action.
Workshop email 
Use this technique occasionally. Ask a question for the reader to answer, such as a quiz. Whoever answers the questions correctly gets a prize, or gets entered into a drawing for a prize.
Tip: If you have a blog, take the first paragraph or two and then use that in your email with a link to your blog.
Instead of you “talking” to your list, get them to engage and interact with you. Engagement with the reader will dramatically increase appointments.
Be sincere. Show your passion. Let people in.
Share with them who you are. This is how you develop a bond and a relationship. The real secret to making your emails powerful, persuasive and profitable is the relationship you have with your client list.

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