December 14, 2023

Unveiling Success: Annique’s Guide to Manifesting a Prosperous Year Ahead

Picture of Annique

In the world of entrepreneurship, one of the key elements often overlooked is the power of manifestation and intentional goal-setting. Annique Pierre Louis, the brilliant mind behind Sand + Sol Collective in Suite 203 at MY SALON Suite – Cool Springs, graciously shares her journey of transforming a vision into a thriving salon suite business.

Believing in Yourself: The First Step

Annique’s journey began with a strong belief in herself. Moving from Indiana to Tennessee, she embraced the idea of investing in her own potential. By taking the risk and stepping out of her comfort zone, she laid the foundation for what would become a successful salon suite business.

Strategic Branding: From Instagram to Google

Utilizing social media platforms strategically, Annique kickstarted her clientele journey. Starting with Instagram, she cleverly created a buzz around her Nashville move before even arriving. Transitioning seamlessly to Google, she treated her Google listing like a social media platform, attracting a diverse clientele base.

Cultivating a Target Audience: Meet Lauren

Annique’s unique approach involved creating a target persona named Lauren. By envisioning her ideal client, she personalized her salon suite experience to cater to Lauren’s preferences. From decor to music choices, every aspect was curated to ensure maximum comfort and satisfaction for the client.

Words of the Year: A Manifestation Technique

Annique’s practice of choosing a “word of the year” proved transformative. Starting with ‘growth,’ she moved to ‘level up’ and ultimately settled on ‘limitless’ for the current year. These words served as guiding principles, driving her decisions and propelling her business forward. 

  • Growth: Setting the Foundation – The choice of “growth” as my first Word of the Year was deliberate. When I initially entered the salon suites, I faced a challenge – a lack of clientele and a need for income. My big focus was on expanding my reach, not just professionally but personally as well. I delved into social media, ensuring my online presence added value and made potential clients feel welcomed. To grow personally and professionally, I invested in salon classes, not just focusing on techniques but also on the business side—creating a unique experience, setting goals, and learning the intricacies of hairstylist business classes. The first year was about building a foundation for success.
  • Level Up: Embracing Bold Moves – The decision to “level up” came after taking a course in Wisconsin. The word was everywhere during the course, and even the gift – a necklace that said “level up” – was a sign. It marked the year of taking risks and not playing small. Beyond physically moving to larger salon suites, “level up” meant pushing boundaries and niching down. I embraced a mindset that urged me to gear up, take risks, and elevate my business and skills to the next level.
  • Limitless: Embodying Abundance – “Limitless” was a continuation of the growth mindset. It stemmed from the same course in Wisconsin. The realization struck that money is not real; it’s limitless, and you can manifest what you desire. Shockingly, every month consistently surpassed $10,000, aligning with my goal. The year became a game of maintaining financial goals, affirming the limitless potential when you align your mindset.
  • Be the Light: Shaping 2024

As Annique embarks on the next chapter in 2024, she introduces the phrase “be the light.” This reflects a shift from learning to being, emphasizing authenticity, positivity, and giving back. Annique envisions herself as a guiding light, not only for her clients but also for fellow stylists, sharing insights, teaching business practices, and fostering a mindset of abundance.


Financial Growth: A Numerical Manifestation

Breaking down her financial journey, Annique candidly shared her yearly earnings – from $3,000 to an impressive $100,000 within three years. Her advice? Believe in yourself, track your numbers diligently, and set realistic financial goals to achieve consistent growth.

Embracing Change and Scaling Up: The Next Level

Annique’s story embodies the essence of embracing change. From starting in a smaller suite to moving up to a window suite, she exemplifies the power of scaling up. Her journey aligns perfectly with the concept of ‘next level,’ a theme resonating with entrepreneurs seeking growth and expansion.

Your Journey Awaits

As we delve into Annique’s remarkable journey, it’s evident that success stems from a combination of self-belief, strategic planning, and a commitment to continuous growth. As you prepare for the year ahead, take inspiration from Annique’s story – set meaningful intentions, believe in your capabilities, and watch your entrepreneurial dreams unfold.

Your journey awaits – manifest it with intention, just like Annique.


To start your journey at MY SALON Suite click here.

Find out more about Sand + Sol with Annique.

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