August 17, 2015



Thought Process: “As a beauty professional, what do I want my future to be?”

 “The ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is the ‘master skill’ of success.”
~ Brian Tracy

The single most important business management skill you can learn and practice is how to set goals. Setting goals will do more than anything else to help you achieve what you want in your career and in your life. If you wish to fulfill your potential as a beauty professional and as a human being, then you absolutely must know how to set and achieve goals.

If you’ve been following our Suite Success Secrets, you’ve already gotten started in the goal-setting process. In the past 2 weeks, you established where you are now in terms of skills and strengths, clients and income. Look at your responses, or turn back the clock two weeks and answer the questions in Suite Secrets 2 and 3 now.

Right now, let’s set some income goals. 

Action Step:

Start with a goal for your total income. How much money do you need to live your desired lifestyle?  How much do you want to save and invest?  What would you like to donate for worthwhile causes?  Set target income goals for the next 6 months, then 1 year from now.

How much money do you want to make?

There are three main ways to increase your income:
1.          The number of clients you have

2.          How frequently they come in

3.          How much they spend in services and products each visit.

We’ll talk about HOW to get more clients, encourage them to come in more often, and spend more on valuable services and products they need later in this system. Right now, let’s plan out how to reach your income goals.

How to increase your income:

What if you brought in twice as many new clients a week as you do now? Or if your turned more of those new clients into repeat customers?  What additional services might you offer? Have you built enough value for what you do to raise prices? How well do you communicate that value?

Could you sell more beauty products?  This may not be an option for some beauty professionals, based on the rules of your current salon. One of the real advantages of running your business from a Salon Plaza Studio is being able to sell products to your clients and help them keep looking their best in between visits.

Of course, to increase your income, you also need to pay attention to COSTS!  A MY SALON Suite member has a wonderfully simplified advantage of having fewer costs to think about: the lease, product costs, marketing and training. With NO employees or booth renters to pay, NO utility or maintenance costs, an independent Salon Owner with MSS has fewer variables to think about.

Now look down the road and answer these questions for the next 3 years. Finally, what do you see yourself doing in 5 years and beyond?  

Succeeding as a beauty professional is not a matter of luck, circumstances, or fate!

“People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It’s as simple as that.” Earl Nightingale

Before you go for now, give some thought to one more question. What is your single biggest opportunity to grow your business right now?  Is it to…

       Attract more clients?

       Build loyalty?

       Sell more products?

       Add new services?

       Charge more?

These are a few of the main actions you can take right now to increase your income and grow. We’ll walk you through step-by-step get as to HOW to take each of these actions, and more, to reach, no – exceed your goals.

These first four Suite Success Secrets have helped you to discover your specific strengths and identify the goals that will make your dreams become real. Those are the ingredients of a Mission Statement.
Beauty professionals who get clear on their Mission have an advantage over everyone else!

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