January 8, 2020

New Year, New You!

Happy New Year from all of us at MY SALON Suite and Salon Plaza! The start of a new year and new decade is promising and a time for new dreams, goals, plans and business ideas. We want 2020 to be your best year yet! How will you accomplish all of your goals this year? What are the steps you are going to take to make sure you are on the Path to Prosperity? 

First, plan ahead. Before you go to bed each night, set yourself up for success! Get your coffee ready for the morning, lay out your clothes or write down your to-do list for the next day. This will set you up to accomplish your daily goals.

Create a vision board for 2020 (or the entire next decade!) A visual reminder of your goals will help give you that extra boost. Display it somewhere where you will see it everyday. Share it on social with your clients, followers, and peers and see what their goals are too.

Set your professional and personal goals. Break them down into action steps.  Part of the reason people don’t achieve their goals is because they pick multiple goals but don’t know exactly how to achieve them. Make sure you sit down THIS WEEK and pick just ONE goal for the New Year.

Let’s say your goal is to communicate better with your clients. Action steps for that would be to:

1. Create Thank You Note Templates, Welcome New Client Templates, etc.
2. Post at least once a day on social media. Plan out your social media posts a week in advance and schedule them to post to save time. 

3. Create new deals quarterly and write out what they are so they are ready to go out to clients when the time is right.

Perhaps your New Year’s Resolution is to maintain better bookkeeping. Actions steps for that could be to:

1. Create a spreadsheet of income and expenses 

2. Have a folder in your Salon Suite for receipts/expenses. You get the idea. Plan and preparation are key!

Another great way to stay focused in 2020 is to
create a small accountability group with other MY SALON Suite/Salon Plaza members. Create a group of 3-4 of you. A successful accountability group is small so that you have the time to devote to each other. It is also a lot harder to hide in a small group! Having this group to cheer you on or to keep you on track when you slip will help you tremendously. Plan to meet once a week to discuss the progress of your goals. If you can’t meet in person because of alternating schedules, that’s okay too! There are several phone and video  conference apps that you can use for this including google hangouts, House Party, or Zoom.

And finally, stay up to date on your education such as trending styles and techniques in your beauty business. Read magazines, beauty blogs and follow new stylists on social media. Take classes and educate yourself. Expand your knowledge of your industry and be THE person to go to for those lashes, nails, hair, or massage therapy.

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